Career Awareness & Preparation Program
The Career Awareness & Preparation (CAP) program provides career readiness workshops, access to jobs and internships, and networking opportunities. Building on partnerships with local STEM businesses, CAP's resources are sourced from a collaborative network of dedicated industry experts, civic leaders, and academic professionals who are eager to connect with our talented pool of 红莲社区 students. Learn more on their website: U Peer Lounge
The MESA U Peer Lounge is located in North Science 337. MESA U students can use this space to study, support each other in career preparation (resumes, internships, LinkedIn, technical interview skills, etc.) and build connections.
Other CSUEB Campus Departments
- Advising Resource Center (ARC): Check out ARC to find your advisor and get guidance on course selection, degree planning, academic policies, etc.
- Canvas support: Learn how to use the tools in your Canvas courses here.
- BaySync: Register for campus events and club activities through BaySync.
- Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) represents the student government, funds events and programs, and advocates for students.Clubs and Organizations: With over 150 clubs and organizations, you should find a way to get involved on campus!
- : Check out CEC for career exploration, career skills, job & internship resources, and more.
- College of Science (CSCI): The College of Science (CSCI) is home to 11 departments and seeks to provide both majors and non-majors with a STEM foundation that is appropriate to their career goals. Learn more about the CSCI here.
- Follow the College of Science on Instagram:
- Computer Science Department: Learn more about your department, see your First Year Transfer Student schedule planner, find your professor's office hours, and more!
- General Education (GE): The GE Program provides students with opportunities to explore new disciplines and ideas and may change their world perspectives. Learn more about GE Areas and requirements here.
- Important campus dates: Find all of the important dates for the semester here.
- Information Technology Solutions (ITS): Any IT-related issues? Follow this link to get in touch with the Service Desk.
- Institute for STEM Education: Works to build a career pipeline for CSUEB STEM major students as they enter the workforce. MESA and the CAP Program are both through the Institute.
- : Reserve a seat in the Learning Commons, find course materials, research for your class, attend a workshop, and much more through the University Library.
- Peer Academic Coaching (PAC): PACs support incoming freshmen and transfer students with academic support and campus navigation as they transition to CSUEB.
- : Learn more about dining on campus and how you can pay for it with your Bay card.
- Pioneers for H.O.P.E.: Learn more about the food pantry, CalFresh application assistance, temporary housing assistance, and other resources to help CSUEB students here.
- Speech Lab: The Speech Lab provides assistance for students with presentations, public speaking, and other communication-related assignments.
- STEM LAB: The STEM LAB is a free community learning space that connects students with graduate Teaching Associates (TAs) and undergraduate Learning Assistants (LAs). Students can drop in for tutoring, meet study groups, or work on homework.
- Student Center for Academic Achievement (SCAA): The SCAA provides free tutoring for math, statistics, science, and writing. It offers support in both lower and upper-division courses. Learn more about the one-on-one appointments or drop-in "table" tutoring through zoom here.
- Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS): The SHCS offers basic medical care to students including counseling, health education, and more.