CSR Scholars 2017-2018
Scholars by Major
Name: Salvato, Madison
Research Mentor: Dr. Nazzy Pakpour
Project Title: Establishing a traveling insect petting zoo
Name: Robles, David
Research Mentor: Dr. Ruth Tinnacher
Project Title: Estimating Biodegradable Organic Carbon Content by KMnO4
Name: Obienu, Jasmine
Research Mentor: Dr. Ana Maria Almeida
Project Title: Untitled
Name: Albanna, Nesreen
Research Mentor: Dr. Nazzy Pakpour
Project Title: Induced Cessation of Feeding in Drosophila Melanogaster
Name: Alvarez, Peter
Research Mentor: Dr. Claudia Uhde-Stone
Project Title: Genome Editing with Crispr-Cas for Functional Analysis of White Lupin Genes
Name: Benito, Ramon
Research Mentor: Dr. Kenneth Curr
Project Title: Culturing of Nudibranch Hematocytes and detection of Toll-like Receptors from Tritonia Blood
Name: Cao, Binh
Research Mentor: Dr. Pascale Guiton
Project Title: How are proteins trafficked to the rhoptry organelles in Toxoplasma gondii?
Name: Cimmiyotti, Dorien
Research Mentor: Dr. Claudia Uhde-Stone
Project Title: Genome Editing with Crispr-Cas for Functional Analysis of White Lupin Genes
Name: del Rosario, Jonathan
Research Mentor: Dr. Brian Perry
Project Title: Phylogenetic analysis of endemic fungus of California Marasmius calhouniae and allies within genus Cyptotrama
Name: Dhillon, Parmeet
Research Mentor: Dr. Pascale Guiton
Project Title: Optimization of an in vitro stage conversion assay to monitor stage differentiation in Toxoplasma gondii
Name: Dixon, Nicole
Research Mentor: Dr. Ana Maria Almeida
Project Title: Exploring the Function of the AP3 Gene in Zingiberales
Name: Emery, Coleman
Research Mentor: Dr. James Murray
Project Title: Examining the interaction between Pilosarcus gurneyi and Tritonia diomedea acetylcholinesterase
Name: Fenster, Thomas
Research Mentor: Dr. Erica Wildy
Project Title: Quantification of the differences between conventional and regenerative almond orchards with regards to insect biodiversity, pest impacts, mycorrhizal fungi populations, soil health, and profitability
Name: Gomez, Carina
Research Mentor: Dr. Brian Perry
Project Title: Field comparisons of feeding electivity of native rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, in riffles versus pools of an urbanized San Francisco Bay Area stream?
Name: Gregory, Richard
Research Mentor: Dr. Claudia Uhde-Stone
Project Title: Using next generation RNA Sequencing to evaluate gene upregulation in White Lupin plants exposed to nutrient-deficient conditions
Name: Hain, Jasmine
Research Mentor: Dr. Brian Perry
Project Title: Foliar Endophytic Fungi of Salicornia Pacifica
Name: Hensen, Susan
Research Mentor: Dr. Brian Perry
Project Title: Fungal assemblages in Douglas Fir, Mixed Evergreen, and Oak Habitats in Pepperwood Preserve, Sonoma, CA
Name: Hernandez, Candelaria
Research Mentor: Dr. Claudia Uhde-Stone
Project Title: Genome Editing with Crispr-Cas for Functional Analysis of White Lupin Genes
Name: Kaur, Jasbindar
Research Mentor: Dr. Nazzy Pakpour
Project Title: Induced Cessation of Feeding in Drosophila Melanogaster
Name: Keramati, Negar
Research Mentor: Dr. Kenneth Curr
Project Title: Population Genetics study of Tritonia tetraquetra
Name: Looper, Jordan
Research Mentor: Dr. Kenneth Curr
Project Title: Isolation of Marine Phages From Vibrio Species
Name: Lorilla, Kristina
Research Mentor: Dr. Claudia Uhde-Stone
Project Title: Differential Gene Expression of Phosphate Limitation in Lupinus albus
Name: Ly, Sheng
Research Mentor: Dr. Nazzy Pakpour
Project Title: Impact of type 2 diabetes on the mosquito immune response to malaria
Name: Moreno, Alejandra
Research Mentor: Dr. Ana Maria Almeida
Project Title: Learning by Association in Plants
Name: Nagar, Nidhi
Research Mentor: Dr. Maria Gallegos
Project Title: Role of bacteria and bacterial metabolites in development of NASH
Name: Natouf, Fatima
Research Mentor: Dr. Kenneth Curr
Project Title: Armina Population Genetics
Name: Ngo, Crystal
Research Mentor: Dr. Kenneth Curr
Project Title: cDNA synthesis of HPG-V genes
Name: Ong, Leslie Ann
Research Mentor: Dr. Pascale Guiton
Project Title: How does ROP23 contribute to Toxoplasma gondii virulence
Name: Quach, Emily
Research Mentor: Dr. Pascale Guiton
Project Title: How do developmentally regulated metabolic enzymes contribute to stage conversion during Toxoplasma pathogenesis?
Name: Redic, Kanoa
Research Mentor: Dr. Kenneth Curr
Project Title: Speciation and Identification of Intestinal Microbes of Tritonia tetraquetra
Name: Regaspi, Diosann
Research Mentor: Dr. Ana Maria Almeida
Project Title: Exploring the Function of the AP3 Gene in Zingiberales
Name: Rodriguez Cruz, Paula
Research Mentor: Dr. Pascale Guiton
Project Title: How are Proteins Trafficked to the Specialized Secretory Organelles in Toxoplasma gondii?
Name: Salazar, Issamar
Research Mentor: Dr. Claudia Uhde-Stone
Project Title: Genome Editing with Crispr-Cas for Functional Analysis of White Lupin Genes
Name: Sheldon, Emma
Research Mentor: Dr. Pascale Guiton
Project Title: Complementation studies to establish GRA9 as a developmentally regulated virulence factor in Toxoplasma gondii
Name: Taher, Faizah
Research Mentor: Dr. Monika Sommerhalter
Project Title: Determination of catechin levels in green tea
Name: Tantilert, Cindy
Research Mentor: Dr. Maria Gallegos
Project Title: Characterization of the role of sax-2 in PLM termination in C. elegans
Name: Vaghelaa, Rackhi
Research Mentor: Dr. Kenneth Curr
Project Title: Bioinformatics analysis of repetitive sequences of Tritonia tetraquetra
Name: Varela, Breanna
Research Mentor: Dr. Maria Gallegos
Project Title: Untitled
Name: Vo, Hai
Research Mentor: Dr. Albert Gonzalez
Project Title: Drawing at Straw: Experiments in the Contruction of Mexican-Style Earthen Ovens
Name: Wang, Amy
Research Mentor: Dr. Tyler Evans
Project Title: Quantifying Sub-Lethal Impacts of Climate Change in a Key Marine Invertebrate
Name: Kinfu, Abraham
Research Mentor: Dr. Yi He
Project Title: A Need for a Variety of Food Options on 红莲社区 Campus
Name: Shcherbakova, Ekaterina
Research Mentor: Dr. Yi He
Project Title: The efficiency of video marketing implementation for mobile applications promotion:time-lapse effect
Name: Suratos, Jacqueline
Research Mentor: Dr. SaeHya Ann
Project Title: CSUEB Student’s Perception on Tipping Behavior: A case of 红莲社区
Name: Cawit, Christa
Research Mentor: Dr. Anne Kotchevar
Project Title: Degradation of Antimicrobial Contaminants Using Laccase-Mediator Systems
Name: Hall, Nicolas
Research Mentor: Dr. Ruth Tinnacher
Project Title: Understanding Uranium(VI) Mobility at the Future Nuclear Waste Storage Sites: An Experimental and Modeling Study
Name: Pistorino, Jonathan
Research Mentor: Dr. Ruth Tinnacher
Project Title: Understanding Uranium(VI) Mobility at the Future Nuclear Waste Storage Sites: An Experimental and Modeling Study
Name: Riboul, Rashid
Research Mentor: Dr. Ann McPartland
Project Title: Investigating on the binding characteristics of the important RNA-protein interactions in Brome Mosaic Virus
Name: Sapp, Tyeshia
Research Mentor: Dr. Monika Sommerhalter
Project Title: Phenolic Compounds in Green Tea
Name: Condori, Walter
Research Mentor: Dr. Fadi Castronovo and Dr. Semih Yilmaz
Project Title: Virtual Reality Applications for Waste Management Education: The Attack of the Recyclops
Name: Kumar, Abishek
Research Mentor: Dr. James Tandon
Project Title: Drone Project
Name: Rao, Akarsh
Research Mentor: Dr. Fadi Castronovo and Dr. Semih Yilmaz
Project Title: Virtual Reality Applications for Waste Management Education: The Attack of the Recyclops
Name: Chudinov, Petr
Research Mentor: Dr. Levent Ertaul
Project Title: Post Quantum Cryptography: Merkle Tree Authentication on IoT
Name: Monga, Karan
Research Mentor: Dr. Fadi Castronovo and Dr. Semih Yilmaz
Project Title: Virtual Reality Applications for Waste Management Education: The Attack of the Recyclops
Name: Morales, Brian
Research Mentor: Dr. Levent Ertaul
Project Title: Post Quantum Cryptography: Merkle Tree Authentication on IoT
Name: Nguyen, Bi
Research Mentor: Dr. Shirley Yap
Project Title: Hyperparameter Optimization for a Word Embedding Neural Network
Name: Barbosa Silva, Mariana
Research Mentor: Dr. Fadi Castronovo and Dr. Semih Yilmaz
Project Title: An analysis and case study about the development of an Interactive Workspaces in Construction
Name: Colunga, Erica
Research Mentor: Dr. Reza Akhavian
Project Title: Idle time and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions on construction heavy equipment, a data driven alternative
Name: Nelson, Darren
Research Mentor: Dr. Reza Akhavian
Project Title: Maximizing the construction worker’s contribution to a mega project by innovating with off-the-shelf technology
Name: Chua, F Michael
Research Mentor: Dr. Christian Roessler
Project Title: Bitcoin, a protector of property rights and privacy? A game-theoretical analysis
Name: Srinivas, Ankit
Research Mentor: Dr. Patty Oikawa
Project Title: Carbon sequestration in wetlands: A comparison of carbon stored in different aged wetlands
Name: Grande, Emilio
Research Mentor: Dr. Jean Moran
Project Title: Analysis of new high-resolution seismic data across the Hayward Fault Zone
Name: Quesenberry, Collin
Research Mentor: Dr. Luther Strayer
Project Title: Analysis of new high-resolution seismic data across the Hayward Fault Zone
Name: Tanouye, David
Research Mentor: Dr. Michael Massey
Project Title: Characterizing soil lead contamination near streams in Oakland, California
Name: Mine, Ariane
Mentor: TBD
Project Title: TBD
Name: Aldrete Flores, Marla
Research Mentor: Dr. Albert Gonzalez
Project Title: The Botanica Material Culture Project
Name: Cecilio, Abigail
Research Mentor: Dr. Michael Stanton
Project Title: Untitled
Name: Dickenson, Katie
Research Mentor: Dr. Kenneth Curr
Project Title: Creation of a Lentiviral Vector Containing the GB Virus Type-C Genome
Name: Murphy, Morgan
Research Mentor: Dr. Michael Stanton
Project Title: Untitled
Name: Nawabi, Maluck
Research Mentor: Dr. Ryan Gamba
Project Title: Emergency Food Delivery App or Grocery Gift Cards: Which is Better at Improving Food Security for Students at CSU East Bay?
Name: Oman, Kristine
Research Mentor: Dr. Ryan Gamba
Project Title: Emergency Food Delivery App or Grocery Gift Cards: Which is Better at Improving Food Security for Students at CSU East Bay?
Name: Proto, Amy
Research Mentor: Dr. Michael Stanton
Project Title: A Systematic Review of Interventions to Increase Empathy Among Medical School Students
Name: Rasmussen, Savannah
Research Mentor: Dr. Michael Stanton
Project Title: A Systematic Review of Interventions to Increase Empathy Among Medical School Students
Name: Saldivar, Alejandra
Research Mentor: Dr. Maria Gallegos
Project Title: Untitled
Name: Kurak, Ivana
Research Mentor: Dr. Benjamin Klein
Project Title: Divine Mothers, Earth Goddesses, and Harlots: Deconstructing the Stereotypes of 1960’s Counterculture Women In Northern California and New Mexico Communal Societies
Name: Lu, Thomas
Research Mentor: Dr. SaeHya Ann
Project Title: The efficiency of video marketing implementation for mobile applications promotion:time-lapse effect
Name: Turney, Karissa
Research Mentor: Dr. SaeHya Ann
Project Title: The efficiency of video marketing implementation for mobile applications promotion:time-lapse effect
Name: Howard, JacRuelyn
Research Mentor: TBD
Project Title: TBD
Name: Adams, John
Research Mentor: Dr. Cathy Inouye. and Dr. Jennifer Sherwood
Project Title: Developing and validating a muscular power measure for older adults in the sit-to-stand
Name: Alvarez, Maria
Research Mentor: Dr. Vanessa Yingling
Project Title: Bone Strength Differences According to Peak Power Norm Table Categories
Name: Alvarez, Jose
Research Mentor: Dr. Vanessa Yingling
Project Title: The Acute: Chronic Workload Ratio in Division II Sports: Training Load Influence on Treatments/Injuries
Name: Dulay, Anthony
Research Mentor: Dr. Vanessa Yingling
Project Title: Lower Limb Peak Power as a Predictor of Radial Trabecular Bone Strength
Name: Espartero, Kimberly
Research Mentor: Dr. Vanessa Yingling
Project Title: Common Muscle Tests as Related to Trabecular Bone Strength in Division II Athletes
Name: Franson, Priscilla
Research Mentor: Dr. Vanessa Yingling
Project Title: Lower Limb Peak Power as a Predictor of Radial Trabecular Bone Strength
Name: Huynh, Kirstie
Research Mentor: Dr. Vanessa Yingling
Project Title: Common Muscle Tests as Related to Trabecular Bone Strength in Division II Athletes
Name: Javier, Casey
Research Mentor: Dr. Cathy Inouye and Dr. Jennifer Sherwood
Project Title: Developing and validating a muscular power measure for older adults in the sit-to-stand
Name: Lagamon, Bianca
Research Mentor: Dr. Vanessa Yingling
Project Title: The Acute: Chronic Workload Ratio in Division II Sports: Training Load Influence on Treatments/Injuries
Name: Lara, Christopher
Research Mentor: Dr. Vanessa Yingling
Project Title: The Acute: Chronic Workload Ratio in Division II Sports: Training Load Influence on Treatments/Injuries
Name: Mazzarini, Arianna
Research Mentor: Dr. Vanessa Yingling
Project Title: Bone Strength Differences According to Peak Power Norm Table Categories
Name: McNulty, Lauren
Research Mentor: Dr. My Phung(Jenny) O
Project Title: Fitness Related Social Media Activity (FRSMA) Follow-up Study
Name: Metts, Aleyda
Research Mentor: Dr. SaeHya Ann
Project Title: Untitled
Name: Ossene Minsta, Michel
Research Mentor: Dr. Cathy Inouye and Dr. Jennifer Sherwood
Project Title: Developing and validating a muscular power measure for older adults in the sit-to-stand
Name: Rai, Sujata
Research Mentor: Dr. Vanessa Yingling
Project Title: The Acute: Chronic Workload Ratio in Division II Sports: Training Load Influence on Treatments/Injuries
Name: Ramirez-Bocanegra, Nephy
Research Mentor: Dr. Albert Mendoza
Project Title: TBD
Name: Reichert, Rebekkah
Research Mentor: Dr. Vanessa Yingling
Project Title: Bone Strength Differences According to Peak Power Norm Table Categories
Name: Serrano Vides, Karen
Research Mentor: Dr. Vanessa Yingling
Project Title: Common Muscle Tests as Related to Trabecular Bone Strength in Division II Athletes
Name: Sotelo, Antonio
Research Mentor: Dr. Vanessa Yingling
Project Title: Lower Limb Peak Power as a Predictor of Radial Trabecular Bone Strength
Name: Tapia, Oddessy
Research Mentor: Dr. My Phung(Jenny) O
Project Title: Increasing Representative design in an Image Speed Intervention
Name: Valencia, Cynthia
Research Mentor: Dr. Matthew Atencio
Project Title: A Vasper System exercise intervention study: Qualitative investigation of youth and parent perceptions
Name: Beverly, Linda
Research Mentor: Dr. Shirley Yap
Project Title: LLE Based Image Hashing of Video
Name: Hussain, Mautasim
Research Mentor: Dr. Ana Alameida
Project Title: Evolution of the Polarity Gene-Regulatory Network on Flowering Plants
Name: Syed, Ghufran
Research Mentor: Dr. Ehsan Kamalinejad
Project Title: Teaching machines to understand similarity and differences in pictures
Name: Alzahrani, Hasinah
Research Mentor: Ian Pollock
Project Title: Wear My Story
Name: Huang, Li Cyong
Research Mentor: Ian Pollock
Project Title: Wear My Story
Name: Imah, Ken
Research Mentor: Ian Pollock
Project Title: Wear My Story
Name: Redding, Candy
Research Mentor: Ian Pollock
Project Title: Wear My Story
Name: Tang, Connie
Research Mentor: Ian Pollock
Project Title: {ar/philia;an Augmented Reality Visual Novel
Name: Patel, Krupa
Research Mentor: TBD
Project Title: TBD
Name: Batshoun, Jamil
Research Mentor: Dr. Amy Furniss
Project Title: High Energy Gamma-Ray Observation of Blazars with VERITAS
Name: Calderon-Madera
Research Mentor: Dr. Amy Furniss
Project Title: Looking for Gamma-Rays at VERITAS
Name: Cobos, Aracely
Research Mentor: Dr. Amy Furniss
Project Title: A low and high energy view of galaxy NGC 1275
Name: Guest, Austin
Research Mentor: Dr. Derek Kimball
Project Title: Dark Matter
Name: Rinck, Ethan
Research Mentor: Dr. Amy Furniss
Project Title: Studying Markarian421 with VERITAS
Name: Rosenquist, Trenton
Research Mentor: Dr. Amy Furniss
Project Title: Optical Observations of VERY High Energy Blazars
Name: Su, Guanhao
Research Mentor: Kathryn Grimm
Project Title: Particles
Name: Svraka, Tibor
Research Mentor: Dr. Amy Furniss
Project Title: Looking for Gamma-Rays at VERITAS
Name: Gjika, Kristina
Research Mentor: Dr. Murray Horne
Project Title: Visuospatial abilities assessed through an object rotation and perspective taking task
Name: Goldman, Jessica
Research Mentor: Dr. Amanda Morrison
Project Title: Collectivism and Resilience: The Mediating Roles of Social Support and Attachment Style
Name: Gyan, Neha
Research Mentor: Dr. My Phung(Jenny) O
Project Title: TBD
Name: Kim, Jenna
Research Mentor: Dr. Amanda Morrison
Project Title: Mental Imagery & Social Anxiety
Name: McFarland, Chanel
Research Mentor: Dr. Michael Stanton
Project Title: TBD
Name: Ryczek, Cameron
Research Mentor: Dr. Murray Horne
Project Title: Visuospatial abilities assessed through an object rotation and perspective taking task
Name: Segura, Sofia
Research Mentor: Dr. Albert Gonzalez
Project Title: The Botanica Material Culture Project Social Work
Name: Bovey, Joel
Research Mentor: Dr. Sarah Taylor
Project Title: Pioneers for Hope Learning Framework
Name: Brogdon, Danica
Research Mentor: Dr. Ai Leen Choo
Project Title: The Risk of Stuttering in Bilingual Children
Name: Callwood, Sybrey
Research Mentor: Dr. Pradeep Ramanathan
Project Title: Concussion Management Plan
Name: Cheng, Yen-Fang
Research Mentor: Dr. Ai Leen Choo
Project Title: The Risk of Stuttering in Bilingual Children
Name: Cleary, Jennifer(Sandy)
Research Mentor: Dr. Ai Leen Choo
Project Title: The Risk of Stuttering in Bilingual Children
Name: Earl, Steven
Research Mentor: Dr. Ai Leen Choo
Project Title: Speech-Language Pathologists’ Competency in Assessing and Treating Bilingual Children Who Stutter
Name: Finch, Kendall
Research Mentor: Dr. Pradeep Ramanathan
Project Title: Concussion Management Plan
Name: Fox, Madison
Research Mentor: Ellen Bernstein-Ellis
Project Title: The Impact of Long-Term Participation in the Aphasia Tones Choir: Interview Transcriptions & Member Checking
Name: Freihofer, Esmay
Research Mentor: Dr. Elena Dukhovny
Project Title: Beyond the Device: Training communication partners to support AAC use in educational settings
Name: Gonzalez, Monica
Research Mentor: Dr. Ai Leen Choo
Project Title: The Risk of Stuttering in Bilingual Children
Name: Grishina, Bessie
Research Mentor: Ellen Bernstein-Ellis
Project Title: The Impact of Long-Term Participation in the Aphasia Tones Choir: Interview Transcriptions & Member Checking
Name: Hendricks, Emily
Research Mentor: Dr. Ai Leen Choo
Project Title: Speech-Language Pathologists’ Competency in Assessing and Treating Bilingual Children Who Stutter
Name: Hennessy-Bruce, Shannon
Research Mentor: Dr. Elena Dukhovny and Dr. Shubha Kashinath
Project Title: The Effects of Coaching Paraeducators Who Work With Children Using Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Name: Huffman, Jennifer
Research Mentor: Dr. My Phung(Jenny) O
Project Title: Increasing Representative design in an Image Speed Intervention
Name: Ifah, Monika
Research Mentor: Dr. Pradeep Ramanathan
Project Title: CSUEB Concussion Epidemiology Study
Name: Kanae, Alyna
Research Mentor: Anna Krajcin
Project Title: TBD
Name: Lavallis, Hiroe
Research Mentor: Dr. Sarah Nielsen
Project Title: Perception and Production of the Letter “L” among Native Japanese Speakers
Name: Li, Jinglan
Research Mentor: Dr. Pradeep Ramanathan
Project Title: Contralateral Hemisphere Loading as an Experimental Treatment for Adults with Chronic Non-Fluent Aphasia
Name: Maduena, Alejandra
Research Mentor: Dr. Ai Leen Choo
Project Title: The Risk of Stuttering in Bilingual Children
Name: McCarthy, Megan
Research Mentor: Dr. Shubha Kashinath
Project Title: The effects of improv on the social inferencing skills of adults with autism
Name: Nair, Deepajayan
Research Mentor: Dr. Ai Leen Choo
Project Title: The Risk of Stuttering in Bilingual Children
Name: Rice, Shannon
Research Mentor: Anna Krajcin
Project Title: Semantic Similarities in ABA and Speech Therapy: A Literature Review
Name: Richardson, Joanna
Research Mentor: Dr. Elena Dukhovny
Project Title: The Effects of Coaching Paraeducators Who Work With Children Using Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Name: Schepis, Linda
Research Mentor: Dr. Elena Dukhovny
Project Title: Effects of SGD Grid Design on Word Learning in Typical Children
Name: Thurman, Elisa
Research Mentor: Dr. Shubha Kashinath
Project Title: Designing an internship training program for college students with autism
Name: Van der Meer, Noelle
Research Mentor: Dr. Shubha Kashinath
Project Title: The effects of improv on the social inferencing skills of adults with autism
Name: Vang, Amy
Research Mentor: Dr. Ai Leen Choo
Project Title: Speech-Language Pathologists’ Competency in Assessing and Treating Bilingual Children Who Stutter
Name: Yao, Jingyun(Thereasa)
Research Mentor: Dr. Pradeep Ramanathan
Project Title: Contralateral Hemisphere Loading as an Experimental Treatment for Adults with Chronic Non-Fluent Aphasia
Name: Zimmerman, Elina
Research Mentor: Dr. Pradeep Ramanathan
Project Title: Aphasia Treatment Program Database Project
Name: Larangeira, Guilherme
Research Mentor: Dr. Eric Suess
Project Title: Deep Learning with Kera, Tensorflow and Statistical Programming Language, R
Name: Li, Qing
Research Mentor: Dr. Eric Suess
Project Title: Clustering and Predictive Analysis of Kaggle’s TMDb 5000 Movie Dataset
Name: Lin, Yingyi(Sunny)
Research Mentor: Dr. James Tandon
Project Title: Using analog-to-digital converter simulation to validate stochastic analog-to-digital architecture result