Physics In Action! Spitzer Seminars

Physics in Action!

The Department of Physics seminar series Physics in Action!, also referred to as Spitzer Seminars, is intended for a general audience. Unless otherwise noted, seminars will be held from 12:00 - 1:00 PM in room Science North, N220 and/or Zoom. 

Our seminar series are made possible by the generous support of Mr. Matthew Spitzer

Where?  North Science 220 and on Zoom
Zoom Link:

Zoom Meeting ID:  893 5501 9648 

After the seminar there will be refreshments provided in North 236.
Invite all your physics curious friends! It's going to be awesome!

List of Spitzer Seminar guests and topics.
Date Guest Affiliation Topic
January 24, 2025
Prof. Ryan Smith 红莲社区 Landing a quality summer research experience