When Two Majors Are Better Than One
The B.S. in Statistics as a Second Major
The Department of Statistics at 红莲社区 offers an undergraduate program leading to a Bachelor of Science degree. Here, we show how it may be to your advantage to pair the B.S. degree in Statistics with a major in another area of study, such as Economics, Biology, Psychology, Political Science, Sociology, Geography, Geology, Mathematics, or Computer Science, to name only a few. To make the explanation easy, we will call your other field of study your “first” major and statistics your “second” major.
Some advantages of such a “double-barreled” program are that it:
- Is doable in about the same time as a single major,
- Helps you understand both subject areas better,
- Has crucial advantages for building a successful career.
Both majors can be completed in about the same time as one, often within the 180-unit requirement for graduation. [That's the standard minimum unit requirement for all undergraduates. If you are one of the “traditional” students who plans to finish in four years (12 quarters), you will need to take a full load that averages about 15 units a quarter.]
For a complete description of our undergraduate program in Statistics, please refer to the description of the Statistics B.S. Degree or to our departmental brochure on the program.
But for a quick overview of Statistics as a second major, it is enough to know that the Statistics Major has a rather small unit requirement and that many of those units can be counted toward both your first and second majors.
Outline of Statistics Degree Requirements. The unit requirement within the major is unusually low—only 72-78 units (depending on your background when you enter). In brief, this usually amounts to:
- Five courses in basic math and computer science,
- Eight courses in Statistics and probability,
- Five more courses in Statistics—or in a field where Statistics is widely used.
Double-Duty Courses. The five courses (20 units) from a field of application, mentioned just above, can be taken from your first major, and so they count toward both majors. Furthermore, it is likely that your first major either requires or recommends several Statistics courses that can also be counted toward both majors. Contact the Statistics Department office (510-885-3435) for advice on planning your double major.
Note: If you complete a double major in which your first major leads to a degree other than B.S. (for example, B.A. in Sociology), only one degree—your choice—will be awarded. However, your transcript will show that you completed requirements for both majors.
Outlines of sample programs with Psychology and Mathematics as the first majors are shown. Contact the Statistics Office for advice on how to adapt these prototype double-major programs to your own circumstances, or to work out a program for a different first major.
Because students arrive at 红莲社区 with different backgrounds and interests, you will need to consult with advisors in both your first major and Statistics to work out the double major program that is best for you. The tables below show four examples for students under the 2006-2008 Catalog. Consult the under Computer Science, Economics, Mathematics, Psychology, and Statistics official program requirements and for titles, descriptions, and prerequisites of the courses listed in these tables. Also, check with your first major advisor to ensure that the courses are available in the quarters suggested.
Year | Fall | Winter | Spring |
Junior | Econ. 3005 Econ. 3310 Stat. 3502 |
Econ. 3000 Econ. 3500 Stat. 3503 |
Econ. 4000 Stat. 4601 Stat. 4950 |
Senior | Econ. UD elective Stat. 3401 Stat. UD elective |
Econ. UD elective Stat. 3402 Stat. UD elective |
Econ. UD elective Stat. 4603 or UD elective |
Year | Fall | Winter | Spring |
Junior | Psyc. 3400 Psyc. 4200 Stat. 3502 |
Psyc. 3100 Psyc. 3240 or 4220 or 4740 Stat. 3503 |
Psyc. 3420 Psyc. 3500 or 3520 Stat. 4601 |
Senior | Psyc. 4320 Psyc. LAB Stat. 3401 Stat. 3900 or 4950 |
Psyc. 4500 Psyc. LAB Stat. 3402 or UD elective Stat. UD elective |
Psyc. 4345 Psyc. 4320 Psyc. 4430 or 4900 Stat. UD elective |
Year | Fall | Winter | Spring |
Junior | Math 3000 Math 3100 Stat. 3502 |
Math 3331 Math. 3300 Stat. 3503 |
Math 3301 Stat. UD elective Stat. 4950 |
Senior | Math 3151 Math 3841 Stat. UD elective |
Math 3121 Math 4151 Math 4841 |
Stat. 3401 Stat. 4601 Stat. UD elective |
Year | Fall | Winter | Spring |
Junior | CS 3120 CS 3240 Stat. 3502 |
CS 3430 CS 3590 Stat. 3503 |
CS 4560 CS 4660 Stat. 4950 |
Senior | CS 4110 Stat. 3401 Stat. UD elective |
CS 4170 CS 4245 Stat. UD elective |
Stat. 4601 Stat. UD elective |
Year | Fall | Winter | Spring |
Junior | ENGR 3020 ENGR 3140 ENGR 3841 Stat. 3601 |
ENGR 3101 ENGR 4100 ENGR 4350 MATH 3331 Stat. 3602 |
ENGR 3190 ENGR 4200 ENGR 4300 Stat. 4603 |
Senior | ENGR 4300 ENGR 4280 Stat. 3401* Stat. 4950 or UD elective |
ENGR 4350 ENGR 4430 ENGR 4610 Stat. UD elective |
ENGR 4440 ENGR 4620 Stat. 4601* Stat. 4950 or UD elective |
* ask your ENGR advisor if these courses are acceptable electives.
Statistics is a relatively young scientific field. Some say that modern statistics started in the 1920s when ideas from various parts of mathematics came together to provide a basis for understanding randomness, for designing experiments, and for making “optimal” decisions. Even today, Statistics is often viewed as one of the mathematical sciences.
But Statistics has always differed from mathematics because of its very close connection with applications. Especially in recent years, many of the most important advances in Statistics have come directly from trying to solve difficult and sometimes messy problems in the real world.
Here are some examples:
- After the Second World War, Japanese industry was in ruins and Japanese goods had a reputation for having poor quality. The Japanese turned to , who developed new methods of quality management, based in large part on statistical principles. Now quality management is an important branch of Statistics, which is belatedly being widely-used in American industry.
- Ever since Statistics became its own field, the social and biological sciences have relied more and more heavily on statistical methods. Variability among individuals is a way of life for social and biological scientists, and statistics is the tool for drawing conclusions in the face of such apparently random variation. Lately, physical scientists have also discovered more and more situations in which randomness seems to be fundamental.
The trend continues today . New statistical methods are developed each year because of connections with other fields:
- Working with medical researchers, statisticians developed new methods of analyzing “categorical” data to assess the safety of an anesthetic.
- High energy physicists generate massive data sets that can be visualized only using advanced statistical methods of data display, largely developed by statisticians at the Stanford Linear Accelerator.
- Geographers find new insights by displaying and analyzing data “spatially” using GIS.
Advances in computer science have made possible “computer-intensive” methods that could not even have been conceived of 20 years ago. Recent specialized seminars in statistics have been held with the participation of experts in geology, astronomy, genetics, biophysics, criminal justice, human development, software reliability, etc., to seek statistical methods for solving new kinds of problems.
In the Statistics Department, we know from our own experience that it is easier to teach statistical ideas to people who already have some idea why they are useful. The decision to encourage Statistics majors to become familiar with an area of application was not made so that doing double majors would be easy. It was made because it helps us to produce better statisticians.
Some of the statistical methods you will study in basic courses were developed to answer practical problems. One of the most elementary and commonly used statistical procedures was invented by a mathematically-oriented brewmaster (, usually known as “Student”, of Guinness Brewery) while trying to improve quality control in the making of ale. Modern experimental design was founded by , an expert in agricultural genetics. used data analysis to demonstrate a need for hospital reform in England.
The job market. Students graduating today enter a competitive job market. As you might expect, the employment opportunities for students with a double major are much greater than for those with only a single major. Employers value both the expertise from the first major and the insights that a knowledge of statistical methods can provide-- one need only look at the job board in the Career Center. A candidate with a knowledge of both areas has an important edge. In the longer run, those who know some Statistics often find themselves in a position to access and to understand data that is crucial to running a business. This can create powerful scenarios for job advancement.
Admission to Graduate Study. Among the criteria considered by many graduate school admissions committees is the preparation that candidates have in the area of Statistics. A second major in Statistics is bound to be an impressive credential. Some graduate schools allow Statistics as a substitute for a required foreign language. Students planning to do graduate work in any of the mathematical sciences will find that the double major provides a much stronger background than either major separately.
In many fields, graduate students are involved in taking surveys, doing observational studies, and designing experiments. The proper planning, analysis, and reporting of such work involves statistical ideas and techniques. Graduate students familiar with statistics are prepared to begin their research work sooner, because they already have valuable knowledge about the tools and methodology of research.
Future Teachers. Statistical ideas are being taught more and more frequently in elementary schools. Each year statistical societies hold a large joint meeting—often attended by four or five thousand statisticians. For the past few years a regular feature at these meetings has been “poster sessions” showing statistical investigations done by elementary students.
The first courses in Advanced Placement Statistics were offered during 1996-97. So, it is now possible for some high school graduates to enter a college or university with undergraduate credit for a basic statistics course. Elementary school teachers and teachers of high school mathematics who have a knowledge of Statistics are in especially high demand just now.
If you have made it this far, you must be at least a little bit interested. Contact the Statistics Office [at