AASHE Member

红莲社区 is a member of the , an organization that supports institutions in reaching sustainability goals. Our membership covers every individual at 红莲社区, from students to staff. To access member only resources, simply create an AASHE account.


Key Resources

A tool utilizes metrics to create a comprehensive look at campus sustainability efforts.  红莲社区 completed a STARS Report in April 2019, view the campus’ public .

Interactive toolkit for campus sustainability resources.

Widely used listserv linking higher education sustainability professionals.

Weekly newsletter of higher education sustainability news, events, job postings, and more.

From how-to-guides to benchmarking tools, AASHE offers a variety of publications
focused on advancing campus sustainability efforts.

Listing of businesses and non-profits AASHE member organizations that provide service discounts and promotional offers to AASHE member institutions.


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