Program Requirements

To graduate from the program, every Honors student must satisfactorily complete:
- A minimum of three classes (each consisting of three or more course units) as Honors-designated courses. To earn the Honors designation for a particular course on their transcripts, students shall:
- Design, plan, and execute an original research or creative project (contract) in consultation with the course instructor, who agrees to evaluate the honors project (contract) in addition to, and separate from, assignments and assessments for the course in which the student is enrolled. Honors-designated courses may be in the student’s major or minor, as well as in General Education and elective courses.
- Submit an instructor-approved contract form for each course, in which Honors course projects will be completed by the University Honors Program Director for review and approval.
- Earn a letter grade of “B” (3.0 earned grade point) or better (see: Grading and Academic Standards FAQ) in the course in which an Honors project is completed.
- A minimum of four interdisciplinary seminars (HON 399) focused on community engagement, critical inquiry/research, career planning, and leadership. Interdisciplinary seminars (HON 399) are 1 unit seminars offered each term of the academic year.
- Completion of an Honors Capstone (research poster, community-engaged leadership/service project, or disciplinary capstone project)